How to Connect with Your Spirit Guide

Do you want to live a better life and have better intentions? Are you looking for clarity in your life and you want to find the support that you need? You can make your relationship with your spiritual guides stronger and when you do they will help you to face challenges that come to you.

Most people have many different spiritual guides and sometimes they will come at different parts of your life. Some will stay for a long time while others will only come for a short while. As you talk and understand your guides, they will help you with the experiences that you have.

Sometimes your spirit guide will be there to help you to deal with trauma. You may have even had a guide that came to you to help you with what you experienced as a child. Other guides will help to build your confidence and some will help you to be more creative. Of course, your main guide is there to be with you always to keep you save and to guide you.

Your guides will sometimes reach out to you but sometimes you might want to connect with your guides. Instead of waiting for them to call on you, you can call on them and they will help you to make good decisions.

Going Through Crisis

If you are going through some kind of crisis, your spiritual guides can help to bring healing to your life. Relationship problems? Your guide can help you with your heart matters.

When you aren’t sure what you need from your guide, meditate and ask them to show you what you need. You can even use oracle or angel cards to get messages from your guides.

Once you know what you need help with, you can talk to your guides and ask them to help you. There are no particulars when it comes to talking to your guide and here are some of the best ways to approach that:


You can just have an open dialogue with your spirit guide. You can tell them what is on your mind and your guides will probably try to contact you back. Here are some ways that your guides sometimes connect with you:

• Visions.
• Dreams.
• Intuition.
• Words from other people.
• Books.
• Movies.
• TV shows.
• Songs.

Connecting with your guide is easy and if you want to boost this connection, try to meditate. This can help you to get closer to your spiritual guide. Close your eyes, concentrate on your breathing, and then ask your spirit guide to come to you. Once you feel that they are with you, ask them whatever you want.

You can get to know your spirit guide and you can even ask them their name. If you aren’t sure what to ask them at first, just talk to them like they are your friend and they will give you the questions that you need and the answers that you seek.